Thursday, September 8, 2016


Scams are everywhere you turn. They are sent to your phone, your email, and even your home. Sometimes a scam is meant to steal your money while other times it is carried out in order to steal your identity. Online we may not always know the difference between legitimate offers on many things like finding a job, banking, or even trying to rent property; which is why we need to stay up to date on the many ways cyber-crime is implemented so you know what to look for.  

How is cyber-crime carried out?  

According to security leader, Trend Micro, a cyber criminal will devise new ways to:
  •    Commit data breaches 
  •    Send off Ransomware,
  •     Hack into your computer.
  •   Send you spoofed emails, pop-up ads or text messages to get you to download       viruses and malware which will most likely result in the cyber criminal taking over your entire computer in order steal all your information.

Trend Micro is at the top of raising awareness about cyber crime and hosts up to date information on the latest malware threats reported by professionals in the cyber security field. On the Trend Micro website, you will also find real-time security advisories sent by industry giants like Microsoft in order to spread the word to warn others. To help you fight cyber crime, Trend Micro not only provides ongoing help and information but they also offer free tools and widgets for you to download to keep your phone, laptop, tablet or PC protected.  

We can fight cybercrime!

Cyber crime is a subject everyone should be familiar with; and as a consumer, you need to arm yourself with information and awareness so you won’t become a victim but you need to spread the word so others can be warned. 

How do cyber-criminals attack? 

A cyber-criminal is going to do their best to catch you off guard, so instead of falling victim, get educated on the latest scams so you can warn others. Here are a few ways scammers try to trick you:  

Phishing – the use of imposter emails meant to get you to click on a link so warn your kids and elderly parents to be on the lookout!
Smishing – Text messages claiming to be from your bank etc.
Cyber-bullying – when a cybercriminal gets a hold of a person’s camera or photos and threatens to expose the victim unless they pay.

A cyber criminal is around every corner so to protect yourself, educate yourself! Thank you for visiting today. For a full gallery of games and video dedicated to fraud, scams and cyber-crime prevention, visit the FTC’s Media Gallery.  

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